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How to Create the Most Demand When Listing Your Home For Sale

In order to sell your home for the highest price possible and in the least amount of time (meaning less showings, less cleaning, less inconvenience to you), you’re going to need to create the most demand possible when it goes up for sale (with the help of a great Real Estate Agent of course). I have a 4 part plan that will help your home get the maximum exposure and create the most demand right away!

May Home Desktop Backgrounds

It’s gonna be MAY!  Make your desktop background both PRETTY & HOME-Y this month! To add this to your desktop, right click on the background image you like best, click save and then go add it to your desktop!

Top Home Renovations for Maximum ROI

This fact might surprise you: The average home improvement project does not tend to have a 100% return on initial investment. You might be thinking – why would I remodel then? The reasons range from the added enjoyment you’ll get from having that brand new kitchen to staying in line with other homes in the area who are investing in these upgrades. However, if you’re looking for a project with 100% ROI, these are some of the top options you should consider.

Three Home Buying Myths You Need to Know

If you’ve been thinking about buying your first home, chances are you’re getting tons of advice from everyone you mention it to. It can be pretty overwhelming which is why I want to share 3 home buying myths you need to know if you’re considering homeownership. These will help debunk some of the things you may be hearing from people who want to give their advice from the kindness of their hearts but probably aren’t professionals.