April Favorites

Do you know what there aren’t a lot to choose from currently? HOUSES! Houses are not in bloom this season! Which brings me to my real estate question of the month is “Do you think more homes will hit the market this year?” I wish I had a crystal ball but here’s what I can tell you that points to some good news:

April Home Desktop Backgrounds

Make your desktop background both PRETTY & HOME-Y this April! To add this to your desktop, right click on the background image you like best, click save and then go add it to your desktop!

3 Kitchen Remodeling Tips That Attract Buyers

Does scrolling through Instagram, seeing picture perfect kitchens have you worried about how you’re going to sell your house when all of the buyers out there probably want the Instagram version? Well here are a few tips that can help give your space a mini face lift without spending $30,000 on an Instagram perfect kitchen remodel so you can still be sure to attract lots of buyers!

Home Buyer Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make

Whether you’re getting married, looking for more space to raise a family, want to stop renting and start investing, or maybe you’re looking for a rental property you can make some extra cash on – The reasons people have for wanting to buy a home can vary. However, whatever your reason, you’ll want to be sure to avoid these top 4 mistakes (trust me, you can’t afford to make them!)

Pricing Mistakes to Avoid When Listing Your Home For Sale

Pricing your home can be a tricky science sometimes. There is a lot to consider such as the updates you’ve done, the neighborhood you live in, the size of your home and the location. What the value of your house looks like on paper might not always match the market value of your home. Ultimately the market is going to determine how much your home is worth. If you’re thinking of selling your home in the near future, you should be aware of the common pricing mistakes you’ll want to avoid if you want to sell your home successfully.