How to Make House Hunting as Easy as Binge Watching Netflix

You know the feeling when you struggle to find something to watch on Netflix because it’s just so overwhelming with the number of shows and movies to choose from? Well the same thing can happen when it comes to house hunting! There are so many real estate websites and so many houses to look at. Digging through countless websites, having your phone glued to your hand, constantly hitting refresh to make sure you don’t miss anything can get a little tiring. Instead, there is a simple method you can implement to make it a whole lot easier. When you learn how to house hunt “Netflix style” it’ll save you a ton of time and prevent those feelings of overwhelm – I promise! So here’s how to do it!

Reasons Why Your Offer Was Rejected

You find the perfect house, start creating all of your Home Décor Pinterest boards and BAM – you find out that the sellers didn’t accept your offer. Your dreams of making dinner in the beautiful farmhouse kitchen are crushed and you’re wondering what you did wrong. Well here are a few reasons your offer could’ve been rejected that can help you next time you find a house you want to write an offer on.

Three Home Buying Myths You Need to Know

If you’ve been thinking about buying your first home, chances are you’re getting tons of advice from everyone you mention it to. It can be pretty overwhelming which is why I want to share 3 home buying myths you need to know if you’re considering homeownership. These will help debunk some of the things you may be hearing from people who want to give their advice from the kindness of their hearts but probably aren’t professionals.

Home Buyer Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make

Whether you’re getting married, looking for more space to raise a family, want to stop renting and start investing, or maybe you’re looking for a rental property you can make some extra cash on – The reasons people have for wanting to buy a home can vary. However, whatever your reason, you’ll want to be sure to avoid these top 4 mistakes (trust me, you can’t afford to make them!)